Textured Beach Scene - Mixed Media on Deep Canvas
Canvas - Red Dot - https://www.reddot.com.au/product/premium-single-thick-canvas-60-9x91-4cm/
Sand From The Beach
Acrylic Gloss Medium - Spotlight - https://www.spotlightstores.com/art-craft/art-supplies/paint-painting-supplies/mediums/liquitex-gloss-fluid-medium/BP80463290-clear
Anko Modelling Paste - https://www.kmart.com.au/product/modelling-paste-500ml-43286638/
PVA Glue - https://www.reddot.com.au/product/pva-glue-1kg/
Mont Marte Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Titanium White
Mont Marte Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Yellow Ochre
Mont Marte Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Phthalo Blue
Mont Marte Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Lamp Black
Create a textured beach painting- https://www.montmarte.com.au/blogs/projects-how-to/create-a-textured-beach-painting
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I’m just learning to art, be kind !